วันพุธ, 15 มกราคม 2025

ภาวะผู้นำของผู้บริหารสถานศึกษาในยุคการศึกษา 4.0 (Leadership of School Administrators in Education 4.0)

19 พ.ค. 2022

ผู้เขียน : ปณตนนท์ เถียรประภากุล
Veridian E-Journal Silpakorn University ฉบับภาษาไทย มนุษยศาสตร์ สังคมศาสตร์ และศิลปะ Vol. 11 No. 2 (2018): ( พฤษภาคม – สิงหาคม 2561 )
คำสำคัญ : ภาวะผู้นำ ผู้บริหารสถานศึกษา การศึกษา 4.0 Leadership, School administrators, Education 4.0


This study was to present the leadership of school administrators in education 4.0 focusing on 1) Authenticity leadership: the main character of school administrators which is also a principal mechanism for driving the school education 4.0 sustainably, 2) Transformational Leadership: a feature of the school administrators to lead changes in school both a new paradigm in educational management and the reorganization including the operation of the school in accordance with the policy, education 4.0 that they also had to have the vision which was used as a base of operations in charge of education,
3) Creative Leadership: a feature of school administrators, being out of the attachment frame, changing education in all aspects of operations, having creation and flexible management, and changing the working method to the development of students’ creativity which was the starting point of the innovation and real productivity, and 4) Innovation Leadership: a feature of school administrators who were important to the direction of constructing the innovation for the organization that needed to focus on creativity, human relationship, the ability to learn and to share the leadership leading to a paradigm of education that concentrated on the production of new knowledge and innovation. In addition, if the school administrators can learn and develop themselves to have the 4 leadership skills, they will be
able to drive the school mission of education 4.0 successfully.

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